Home Celebrities Stevo Simple Boy Reveals Well-Known People Behind His New Hit ‘Shega

Stevo Simple Boy Reveals Well-Known People Behind His New Hit ‘Shega

Kenyan rapper Stephen Otieno, popularly known as Stevo Simple Boy, has revealed the well-known individuals behind his new hit “Shega.”

Stevo, whose life has significantly improved since parting ways with his previous manager, has been seen donning stylish clothes that captivate Kenyans, indicating that he might be enjoying better financial success.

In a recent interview, the Kibera-based hitmaker revealed that his new music was funded by two leaders, including former musician Jaguar and Moses Mwanda.

“Hiyo ngoma, mimi sijagharamikia ni waheshimiwa wawili waligharamika. Nashukuru mheshimiwa Jaguar na Moses Mwanda, hao wawili ndio walichangia kwa hiyo ngoma ikawa kali sana,” Stevo shared.

Regarding his new outfits, which raised eyebrows due to their stylish nature while promoting his latest projects, Stevo explained that he received help from a close friend who arranged for his stylish look.

“Kuna rafiki yangu wa dhati alitafuta watu wa stylist. Mkubwa wao anaitwa Collo,” Stevo said.

In a recent video posted on his Instagram page, the singer was seen clad in semi-ragged denim jeans with a woolen top, sending netizens into a frenzy.

Some were quick to criticize the rapper, claiming that the outfit made him look like a homeless person, while others seemed satisfied with his new look.

Amidst rumors that he had joined the famous Illuminati cult due to his stylish changes, Stevo clarified that he had not joined any such groups.

He explained that his new dressing style was to appreciate Kenyan fashion and remind people of the good outfits that are often overlooked.

“Mimi siko Illuminati wala siko kwa Freemasons. Siku hizi fashions zimepotea kwa muda, so mimi nilikuwa nahimiza watu fashion bado zipo ni ile watu hawatilii maanani kwamba zipo.

Sasa mimi nikaamua kuvaa hizo ili niuze fashion ya Kenya tukishirikiana na Max na wengine tulete hizo mavazi kwa market,” Stevo shared.

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