Home How to & Hacks MOHCC Student Portal, Intake and Application Forms PDF 2021

MOHCC Student Portal, Intake and Application Forms PDF 2021

MOHCC Student Portal, 2021 Intake and Application Forms PDF

The Ministry of Health and Child Care of Zimbabwe, MOHCC offers a diploma program training in Registered General Nurse Training for interested and qualified individuals in a bid to build the healthcare workforce of Zimbabwe.

The training takes three years for the successful applicants. The MOHCC is committed to improving equity in access to healthcare for all members of the society and takes up several initiatives to ensure that this is achieved.

Some of these initiatives include developing primary health care programs that target the vulnerable such as children and terminally ill to ensure they live a quality life. another initiative is preparing a workforce that is skilled and adequately trained to provide these services to eventually achieve the long term goals, vision and mission of the Ministry.

MOHCC Application Requirements

The MOHCC Diploma in in Registered General Nurse Training is available for trainees and interested individuals for a career in Health. For successful enrollment into the program, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Not less than C grade in Math, a Science, English and two other subjects except for the practical ones such as Metal Work except Agriculture
  2. Not less than of five Ordinary level subjects
  3. Minimum of seventeen years old at the time of beginning coursework
  4. Maximum of thirty years old at the time of beginning coursework
  5. Birth, academic and wedding certificates copies along with national identification card copies where necessary

Read: How to Login to USIU Student Portal, Download Application forms

Application Process and Requirements

To apply, applicants should only access the relevant forms from the official MOHCC website at http://www.mohcc.gov.zw/. One then proceeds to the E-nurse section which welcomes one to the online nurse application. The page outlines the requirements and the required application fee which is RTGS $100 whose payment is done using the Paynow Merchant.

Proceed to click on the tab ‘click here to continue’, this leads one to a fresh page where the application process can be accessed. When the application date has not yet elapsed, click on the right tab to create an account or the left one to log in if you already have an active account. To log in, use the email address used in account creation and input the password to secure your account.

MOHCC 2021 Intake

The 2021 intake application period closed on 2021-03-28