Home Celebrities Autopsy Results Reveal The Cause of Jahmby’s Dad’s Death

Autopsy Results Reveal The Cause of Jahmby’s Dad’s Death

Daniel Koikai eulogizes late daughter, Njambi Koikai during memorial service. Photo/Courtesy

An autopsy report has determined what killed Daniel Koikai, father of the late reggae artist and menstrual health advocate Jahmby Koikai, revealing that he tragically passed away by suicide on the same day his daughter was buried.

The 65-year-old was found dead in the morning of Friday, June 14 at his apartment bearing a significant neck wound. The autopsy, conducted at a Nairobi funeral home ruled his death was caused by excessive bleeding from a self-inflicted injury.

More details have emerged regarding his final hours, with the discovery of a disturbing text to his youngest daughter Naserian Koikai hinting at his intentions. The text read, “I’m so sorry that it has come to this.”

This prompted Naserian to rush to his apartment at the Tatu City Unity Block settlement where she found the door bolted from the inside. She gained entry through a window where she discovered her father’s body and a knife in his hand.

Police reports outlined the series of events leading to his death, confirming the presence of a self-inflicted throat wound. The late ambassador’s body was then moved to the Nairobi funeral home.

The news of his death sent shockwaves across the nation, especially because it happened the same day as his daughter’s funeral. His tribute to her the day before his passing told a story of profound heartache and loss.

He has said that he was extremely remorseful of his failure as a father to Njambi, and he felt immense regret that too much time had passed before he could atone for his wrongdoings. He sought forgiveness from his daughter for missing out on a significant part of her upbringing during his diplomatic commitments.

His death has struck a blow to the family, with the double tragedy leaving them grappling with immense loss.

Ghetto Radio, Jahmby’s former employer, was the first to break the news of Ambassador Koikai’s death stating that he had passed on under unclear circumstances.


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