Home People Kenya General Francis Omondi Ogolla Biography, Education and Career

General Francis Omondi Ogolla Biography, Education and Career

General Francis Omondi Ogolla Biography, Education, Career

General Francis Ogolla Omondi was born on February 12, 1962, in Siaya County, Kenya. He grew up in a close-knit family, instilled with values of patriotism and service by his father, Mzee Joel Ayeyo.


Ogolla pursued his education with dedication, attending prestigious institutions to equip himself with the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in the military. He graduated from Egerton University and later pursued advanced studies at the École Militaire de Paris and the National Defence College of Kenya. Additionally, he obtained a degree from the University of Nairobi, further enriching his academic credentials.


In 1984, Ogolla embarked on his military career by joining the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF). He demonstrated exceptional aptitude and leadership potential, quickly rising through the ranks. After undergoing rigorous training, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Kenya Air Force in 1985.

Throughout his illustrious career, General Ogolla served with distinction in various capacities within the KDF. He received specialized training from the US Air Force, enhancing his expertise as a fighter pilot. In 2018, he assumed command as the Commander of the Kenya Air Force, where he oversaw critical operations and strategic initiatives.

His leadership acumen and dedication to service led to further advancements, culminating in his appointment as Vice Chief of Defence Forces. In April 2023, he reached the pinnacle of his career when he was appointed Chief of Defence Forces by President William Ruto, a testament to his exemplary record and unwavering commitment to duty.


General Ogolla was married to Aileen, with whom he shared a loving relationship. They were blessed with two children and a grandchild, bringing joy and fulfillment to their family life.


Tragically, General Ogolla’s life was cut short on April 18, 2024, in a helicopter crash in Sindar, Elgeyo-Marakwet County. His untimely passing left a void in the hearts of his family, colleagues, and the nation as a whole. However, his legacy of courage, integrity, and dedication to duty continues to inspire generations of military personnel and civilians alike. General Francis Ogolla Omondi will be remembered as a true patriot and a selfless servant of Kenya.


Early Life Education Career Family Legacy
Born on February 12, 1962, in Siaya County, Kenya Attended  Egerton University, the École Militaire de Paris, the National Defence College of Kenya, and the University of Nairobi. In 1984, Ogolla joined the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Kenya Air Force in 1985 and ultimately becoming Chief of Defence Forces. Was married to Aileen and had two children and a grandchild. General Ogolla’s life was cut short on April 18, 2024, in a helicopter crash in Sindar, Elgeyo-Marakwet County.

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