Home People Kenya Ndegwa Njiru: From Courtroom Battles To The Joys of Dairy Farming

Ndegwa Njiru: From Courtroom Battles To The Joys of Dairy Farming

High Court Advocate Ndegwa Njiru who has a passion for dairy farming

Ndegwa Njiru is widely known as a High Court advocate who has successfully represented notable individuals including former Nairobi County Governor Mike Sonko, former Embu County Governor Martin Wambora and former Murang’a County Governor Mwangi Wa Iria.

When he is not battling in the courtroom or the Senate, you will find him at his farm, doing what he loves most, dairy farming.

Speaking to YouTube vlogger Smart Traveller Memoirs, Njiru details his love for his cows stating that he makes a trip every weekend after office hours to tend to his herd of Friesian cows.

He sees to their well-being in terms of feeding, habitation, milking and sales. He owns 17 animals, which he says produce one hundred litres of milk every day.

He has meticulously given each cow a distinctive name, mainly originating from where the bovines were purchased. Some names included Mugecha derived from Ngecha in Kiambu County, Makena II named after her mother Makena the First and Njoroge from Njoroge Farms.

The advocate is passionate about dairy farming, investing his time and resources to ensure that the herd is well taken care of, hiring a workforce who work round the clock to cater to its needs. His priority lies in quality over quantity, making sure that the standard of milk produced is top in the market.

“Our practice is that quality is everything. We are not money-oriented, we are quantity-oriented. We are only concerned with the quality of the milk itself.”

“When our cows are under treatment we do not sell that milk at any given time. We can’t sell that milk. If I can’t take that milk, then why can I sell it to my neighbour?” he stated.

He gets animal feed from his home county Kirinyaga and regions like Kiambu County. He carries a batch of feed every time he visits his farm. His farm manager who is well-versed in all matters of dairy farming runs the farm when the advocate is not available.

He hopes to fulfil his dream and expand his project by erecting a modern shed and increasing the number of his animals.

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