Home Celebrities Oga Obinna Reveals His Favourite Baby Mama, Shares Tips On Successful Co-parenting

Oga Obinna Reveals His Favourite Baby Mama, Shares Tips On Successful Co-parenting

Media personality Oga Obinna PHOTO:Courtesy

Kenyan YouTuber and media personality Oga Obinna recently shared who out of his three baby mamas is his favourite, asserting that he loves his relationship with the first mother of his children.

Speaking in an interview on KTN, the father of four, said that he prefers his first baby mama whose identity he chose to keep hidden as she is farthest to him in proximity, revealing that she resides in Tanzania and that the distance between them has made it possible for him to parent his son better.

” At the moment my favourite is the first one because she is very far. She is in Tanzania so I have time with my boy,” he said amid chuckles.

He also disclosed that she was remarried, and recently gave birth to twins, and that he was happy that she moved on and they are now amicable with the focus on their son Adason.

Obinna then shared lessons he has learned over the years as a parent to multiple children by different women, revealing tips that have helped him maintain cordial relationships with the baby mamas.

He shared his perspective on managing relationships with the mothers of his children, suggesting that if one doesn’t find a harmonious arrangement, options include financial support or maintaining a personal connection.

Obinna added that a co-parenting relationship works best if the mother of the child also has a stable income, that way it could complement the financial support from the father. In cases where that is not possible, the father should be comfortable footing all expenses for the upkeep of the child but should be wary of mothers who are only after the child support money.

Should the above approaches fail, the YouTube star suggested maintaining a close personal connection with the baby mama, that way she reconsiders her stance on the relationship which helps keep the hostility at bay.

Obinna has in the past made headlines after clashing with his baby mamas, with the most publicity falling on his relationship with Lilian aka Mama Adalola who took to court over custody of their two children. She was granted full custody after a nasty court battle early last year, and Oga Obinna was mandated to pay child support to be allowed to see his children.

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