Home People Kenya Is Azziad uniting Kenyans?

Is Azziad uniting Kenyans?

Azziad Nasenya

On the fourth Monday of the year 2023, Kenyans on twitter and other social media made the trend #Azziad and Azziad Nasenya go viral, and by the following Tuesday another one #unitingKenyans. A little bit of digging by this author brought up some shocking information that I bet would make you lower the volume on your sound system just so you can read better.

As you may or may not already know, the trend was targeted at the famous Kenyan tiktoker Azziad Nasenya, renowned for her remarkable dancing skills and charming beauty associated with the women of the Maa community.

What an unfortunate morning it must have been for her, for her career was brought to the brink of destruction as ill-wishers propagated that she was featured in a leaked adult-rated video clip circulating the internet.

While many shamed and hurled insults at her online, I, your incredible source of accurate social news was more than determined to bring nothing but the harshest of truths to my beloved readers.

And I combed and combed through unscrupulous links to determined whether KOT had in its hands any verifiable information. By the close of business day, Monday the 23rd day of January 2023, I was forwarded the video by one heck of an internet detective, who I must admit I come first-runners after.

I did not need to watch even five seconds into the visually traumatising video to come to the conclusion that , alas! But not really, Azziad was yet another victim of cyberbullying. Nothing apart from the body size, skin tone and braid colour would depict the adult film actor in resemblance with Azziad Nasenya. This dear readers was an all-time epic failure of the year and the most stupid unsuccessful attempt to kill and destroy a girl’s simple life.

However, many Kenyans on social media shared my sentiment and adherent fans disclaimed and put to a very quick death this source of lies. Nit picking at various comments of her fans proved to me how loyal they are by even identifying Azziad by her tattoos which unsurprisingly the woman in the video lacks. Amazing,right?!

Read: About slain LGBTQ activist Edwin Chiloba.

In another clarifying video which Azziad herself debunked the misinforming leaked sex tape featuring herself, she thanked her fans for the support they rallied upon her. The tiktoker now turned entrepreneur cautioned netizens against cyber bullying, citing her own case, where she claimed that her tattoos actually saved her public face. She is even seen laughing at the preposterous claim that she united Kenyans by bringing the together to watch the adult film.

She said that the actress featured was just a look alike and added ’’It ain’t me and let’s not create false information around subjects that enables cyber bullying’’. As I close off this readable segment, I would like to back up her response by raising a soul invading questions to my country people and beyond. Would it really hurt to unite and fight against cyber bullying instead of uniting around meaningless subjects like leaked sex-tapes?

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