Home People Kenya John Mbadi Biography – Age, Career, Education, Family and Net Worth

John Mbadi Biography – Age, Career, Education, Family and Net Worth

John Mbadi Biography - Age, Career, Education, Family and Net Worth
Hon. John Ng'ongo Mbadi. IMAGE: Soko News

John Ng’ongo Mbadi is a Kenyan political icon. He is the current Member of Parliament for Suba Constituency, the chairman of Orange Democratic Movement and a coalition member of Coalition for Reforms and Democracy. He is furthermore the minority leader of the Kenyan Parliament.

Mbadi Age and Home County

He is 48 years old as of the year 2020. He was born in Seka, Lwala sub-location in Suna District. John is the last born in a family of seven.

John Mbadi Education Background

He went to Ligongo Primary school and later joined Kokuro secondary school. John joined university of Nairobi where he pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce. He later advanced his studies by pursuing a Master’s Degree in the same university.

John Mbadi Family, Wife and Children

He is a family man married to Rhoda Mbadi and they brought forth two children namely Natalie Mbandi and Maxwell Mbandi.

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John Mbadi Political Positions

  • From 10th March 2013: Member of Parliament for Suba constituency.
  • As from 13th February 2013: Coalition Member of Reforms & Democracy
  • From 8th February 2013: Member of Orange Democratic Movement

Previous Political Positions

In 2007 to 2013, Mbadi was the member of the Orange Democratic Movement. From the year 2008 to 2013, Mbadi was the Member of Parliament for Gwasi Constituency.

Mbadi’s Committee Memberships

Mbadi has has been a member of vital committees from the year 2008 to 2012. The committees and memberships he was part of include; Member of Public Investments committee and Member of Budget Committee.

John Mbadi Family, Wife and Children

Hon. John Mbadi is married to Rhoda Mbadi and has two children namely Natalie Mbandi and Maxwell Mbandi.

John Mbadi Net Worth and Assets

Hon John Mbadi’s estimated Net Worth is approximately over Kshs. 58.3 Million. He gets most of his incomes from investments and profession.

Mbadi Contacts

The following are John Mbadi’s contacts for those who would wish to reach him:

Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 0717157099, 0714311688

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