Home People Kenya Kanze Dena: How I Have Been Surviving Without a Salary For 2...

Kanze Dena: How I Have Been Surviving Without a Salary For 2 Years

Retired president Uhuru Kenyatta's spokesperson Kanze Dena PHOTO/Standard

Former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s spokesperson Kanze Dena has now claimed that she is yet to be paid for the two years she has worked under Uhuru’s office.

This comes hours after the former State House spokesperson held a presser accusing the current administration of frustrating Uhuru and his staff.

Kanze claimed that the William Ruto-led administration refused to allocate funds for the retired president’s office forcing Uhuru to pay bills using his own money.

Speaking in an interview on Citizen TV, the former media personality continued with her onslaught against the government, claiming that she has not been paid for two years.

Kanze noted that she has been using savings to support herself and meet her daily needs, further urging Kenyans to maximize saving opportunities.

“For two years I have not been remunerated. When I was asked to come and join the team, I joined the team. Somewhere along the way things were not working out so what is the best choice to do in terms of character? I chose to sail through the storms

“I would like to urge Kenyans please save for a rainy day. That is when I understood the meaning of savings. I thank God for saccos and for all the opportunities to save. Please save, days like these do come,” she said.

Kanza also mentioned that before going public with the issue Uhuru’s office had been communicating with the State House but they were yet to reach an agreement.

“For 2 years we have not received budget allocation, we’ve been quiet. We’ve been communicating with the same State House that has refused to communicate with the office of the 3rdretired President. We didn’t say anything. It is not our intention for us to be in banter in the media back and forth with the State House,” she said.

In a statement, Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura responded to the claims claiming that only two of Uhuru’s staff are yet to earn salaries.

“The Office of the former President confirms that their staff are on the government payroll. The Presidential Retirement Benefits Act specifies that a former President should have 34 staff

“Already, 33 are in office. The Act also specifies that staff who work in the Office of the Retired President must be public servants,” Mwaura said in a statement.

Mwaura claimed that Uhuru’s office was yet to forward names of the two staff, which includes Kanze, who are yet to be paid.

“On George Kariuki and Kanze Dena, their names have not been forwarded to the State House Comptroller by the retired President for processing,” the statement further read.

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