Home People Kenya Shanah Serena Manjeru Biography, Education, Career, Personal Life

Shanah Serena Manjeru Biography, Education, Career, Personal Life

Shanah Serena Manjeru Biography, Education, Career, Personal Life

Shanah Serena Manjeru is a budding teenager whose Musical talent has placed her on the global map as a shining star. Winning awards against seasoned artists and refining her craft, Shannah is set for greatness. This article explores the youngest Afrima nominee’s journey to astounding success and what she hopes for in the future.

Shanah Serena Manjeru Age and Place of Birth

She was born on the 30th of March 2008 to Anthony and Florence Manjeru as the couple’s last born of three children. As a baby, her parents recall that she would often hum through activities such as eating and playing. They would then record these little sessions that they found simply fascinating. By age three, Shanah was well into singing and would entertain her family.

Shanah Serena Manjeru Career Journey

Anthony and Florence Manjeru raised their children keeping an open mind and embracing non-conventional means of living. We are no longer in the age where stifling creativity and talent happens in place of academic achievement only.

People are now embracing uniqueness and nurturing talent as it is rewarding and gives a sense of fulfillment. Shanah was empowered and supported to perform in various events and platforms such as birthdays, weddings, parties, Churchill Show Live, and Churchill Kids Festivals.

With that, the Manjerus prepared a gospel music concert for their daughter Shanah when she was aged seven. The concert was a huge success with attendees reckoning the upcoming star. Once more with the support of her parents, she released her debut song and video titled Destiny in October 2017. Next came the song We are One, and amidst the uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic, released God Will Make A Way. Shanah Manjeru’s latest release titled “This is Christmas” is now available on YouTube.

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Moreover, Shannah is a TV show host with the Big Minds show aired on Saturdays on KBC.

Shannah Serena Manjeru Awards

Her efforts and hard work in her art have not been futile. Shanah’s earliest award was in 2017 when she took first place at the Kenya Music Festival nationals in the under-10 singing competition. This set the ground for more in the coming years.

In 2021, she became Afrima’s youngest nominee and went on to win the Best African Female Artiste in Inspirational Music at the awards. Moreover, she was recently named one of the 100 child prodigies worldwide and invited to the Global Child Prodigy Awards 2022. Back home in Kenya, the thirteen-year-old was named among the Top 100 Kenyans 2021 list.

Real Name Shanah Serena Manjeru
Age 13 (As of 2021)
Nationality  Kenyan 
Education Level Primary
Place of Birth Kenya
Birth Sign Aries
Year of Birth 2008
Religion  Christianity
Spouse  N/A
Children  N/A
Profession/Career Singer
Net Worth N/A


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