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Top 10 Richest Families in the World, Sources of Wealth and Net Worth

Top 10 Richest Families in the World, Sources of Wealth and Net Worth
Walmart heir Jim Walton. IMAGE: Foxbusiness.com

Wealth generation in the century of innovation and technology is becoming a dream come true for many. However, some families in the world have been in the business of making wealth through other means that have kept them in the game for a long time. In this article we will go through the wealthiest and richest families in the world, their net worth and their sources of wealth 2021.

1. Walton family

The Walton family is the founder of Walmart, an international retail company that manages a chain of supermarkets. It is the first among the top 10 richest families in the world. Based in United States of America, this company was founded in 1962 by Sam and Bud, the Walton brothers. Since then the company has lasted three consequent generations. Earning about $4 million every hour, the family’s net worth is valued at $215 billion

2. Mars family

Siblings Jacqueline and John Mars inherited the Mars Inc. company when their father passed on. The company is responsible for the invention of M&Ms, Milky way and the Mars Bars. The annual revenue from the production and sale of these very widely enjoyed snack bars and candies amounts to a whopping $38billion each year. The Mars family boasts a net worth of $120 Billion.

3. Koch family

The Koch brothers revived their father’s company from an oil refinery into the now well-known Koch industries. The American established industries deal in the production, refining and distribution of petroleum, chemicals, energy, fiber and a variety of many other things. Founded in 1941, the company has seen growth and increase in profits. To that end, their annual revenue amounts to $115 billion. The family boasts a net worth of $109.7 billion.

4. Al Saud Family

The 88 year old Arabian Royal family derives most of it wealth from the oil industries that most of the family owns. It is known that members of the royal family gets earnings from negotiating deals and getting proceeds for just being part of the family. They boast a net worth of $95 billion.

Read: A List of Top 20 Richest People in the World and their net worth 2021

5. Ambani family

The family that hails from India owns Reliance industries, the company that owns the biggest oil refining complex in the world. The family is not as known as most of their counterparts but they have made considerable wealth from their business. In addition to that they also own a lot of businesses in India. The families net worth is at $81.3 billion.

6. Dumas family

The Dumas family is the owner of most luxury goods in the world. The Hermes dynasty is makes luxury goods like Birkin bags that are pricey but high quality. The company’s beginning could be traced back to the 17th century when Thierry Hermes started making riding gear for the bourgeoisie. The families net worth is valued at $63.9 Billion.

7. Johnson family

Established in 1946, the privately held company, Fidelity investments, begun its journey to wealth. The American based company has amassed so much wealth that it has been distributed across three consequent generations. The company was founded by Abigail Johnson and the family’s net worth is at an estimated $46.3Billion.

8. Boehringer & Von Baumbach families

Boehringer & Von Baumbach are among the richest families of the world. The two families here manage the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim. Founded in 1885 by Albert Boehringer, the company has long been in business to know the ropes and maximise on profits.The families’ net worth is at an estimated $45billion.

9. Albrecht family

The Albrecht brothers, Theo and Karl could be considered innovative fellows as they transformed their grocery store into a chain of supermarkets. They named these supermarkets Aldi and separated the business early on into Aldi Nord and Aldi Sued. The German company makes and lot of profits and the families worth is at $41billion.

10. Wertheimer Brothers

Alain and Gerard, the Wertheimer brothers are the owners of the renowned fashion house Chanel. Their grandfather invested in the designer, Coco Chanel and they have since then reaped benefits of the luxury goods. That aside, the family owns vineyards and racehorses which are highly valued. The family’s worth is valued at $54.4Billion.

Family Net Worth Wealth Source
Walton family $215 Billion Walmart Company
Mars family $120 Billion Mars Inc
Koch family $109.7 Billion Koch industries
Al Saud Family $95 Billion Oil Business
Ambani family $81.3 Billion Reliance industries
Dumas family $63.9 Billion The Hermes dynasty
Wertheimer Brothers $54.4 Billion Fashion House Chanel
Johnson family $46.3 Billion Fidelity investments
Boehringer & Von Baumbach families $45 Billion Boehringer Ingelheim
Albrecht family $41 Billion Aldi Nord and Aldi Sued


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