Home How to Kenya How to Easily Obtain EACC Clearance certificate in Kenya

How to Easily Obtain EACC Clearance certificate in Kenya

eacc clearance certificate

Getting hired whether self or by somebody or a by company is one of the major hopes of every Kenyan. To be employed by other parties like let’s say the government, through the recruiting board requires not only academic credentials but also in some cases they may need the EACC clearance certificate. This is to check on the corruption and integrity records of the candidate.

What is EACC Clearance Certificate?

EACC clearance certificate is a document offered by the Anti-Corruption Commission of Kenya upon thorough scrutiny and investigation to ensure that candidates are in line with the requirements of the Leadership and Integrity Act (Section 13) and the sixth chapter of the Kenyan Constitution.

This document is not easy to acquire in Kenya. You may get it but through struggles and administrative bottlenecks. 

In this article, am going to take you through simplest ways you will use to get it without much struggles.

Steps To Acquire the EACC Certificate:

Fill in duplicates your self-declaration form and attach a copy of either your Government offered Identity card or a valid Kenyan passport. For if you are far and can’t make it to the headquarters, you can generate the Self-Declaration forms EACC website http://www.eacc.go.ke/

You will then sign the completed form with your signature being witnessed by a Magistrate or Commissioner of Oaths. Upon submission, the details in the completed form will then be verified, and the copy of your application will be stamped as an acknowledgment.

You will then submit your completed form in person or have it delivered on your behalf at the EACC offices at Integrity Center. You can also submit the documents at your nearest Huduma center.

EACC Clearance certificate application form

After this, you will have to get an EACC Clearance application form. To get it, visit the headquarters at integrity house in Nairobi.

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Submit the duly filled form with other requirements to Forodha House adjacent to Ushuru Co-operative Savings & Credit Society between. Visiting hour at this offices are 12.00pm and 1.00 pm, and between 2.00 pm and 3.30 pm on weekdays.

A fee of Ksh. 50 will be charged to be given a seal and signature of the Magistrate whom you will meet on duty.

You will then go ahead to the integrity house where you will be offered a clearance signature from Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority officials.

EACC Contacts

In case you would wish to communicate to the Commission, you can use the following communications ways:

Write to:

Integrity Centre, Valley Road/Milimani Junction

P.O. Box 61130 – 00200,


Tel: (020) 2717318; 2720722; 2100312 / 3

Mobile: 0729 888881 / 2 / 3; 0736 996600 / 33

Fax: (020) 2717473

Email address: eacc@integrity.go.ke

Website: Eacc.go.ke