Home How to Kenya How to Replace Lost KCSE and KCPE Certificates in 2024

How to Replace Lost KCSE and KCPE Certificates in 2024

Steps to Replace Lost KCSE, KCPE or any KNEC Certificates in 2 Months

In the Kenyan career system, many are the times when we all need academic credentials, especially when seeking for employment.The most needed and vital ones include KCSE, KCPE or any other Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) offered certificates at the end of studying and sitting for their exams.

Later on, a degree of diploma certificate may be demanded when one advances further. In Kenya, there is 8-4-4 system of education where by a child enters pre-primary classes which take them 2 years. This education system is counted from primary education which takes 8 years, secondary education which takes 4 years and finally university education which takes a minimum of 4 years.

The primary KCPE and secondary KCSE certificates offered by the KNEC are very vital and no one should lose them. These certificates are needed especially when one wants to get absorbed for employment by the government bodies.

However, loosing these certificates should not worry you anymore; in this article I will give you a one on one procedure of getting another KNEC offered certificate in case you lose the one you were given at the end of your study.

Before proceeding to apply for a replacement, you need to note the following:

  • Currently, KNEC currently replaces certificates of the years 1981-2016 and takes about 60 days to process.
  • Processed certificates MUST be collected within 2 years from the date of application by the owner.
  • In the case a child is still below the age of 18 years he/she should be accompanied by one of the parents when going to apply for the replacement.
  • A person only has one chance to replace his/her KNEC certificate which means you cannot replace again after one successful replacement.

Requirements for Replacing a Lost KNEC Certificate

Before applying for the replacement, you must ensure you possess the below personal details and they should be accurate.

  1. Your name
  2. Your School/college/examination center
  3. Name of examination and year you sat for the exams
  4. Your Full index number
  5. Your National ID/passport number/birth certificate
  6. Your address, telephone number, faxes number, email address
  7. Your signature

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Here are the documents you must process for you to replace a lost KNEC certificate:

  1. Copy of certificate(s) or result slip(s)
    2. Police abstract indicating loss of the certificate(s) these MUST be original copies
    3. Recommendation letters addressed to KNEC

These letters must be original copies and should come from the head teacher or principal of the school attended and From CDE/DEO for private candidates or those whose schools have closed down. Another letter should be from your employer (where necessary)

  1. Sworn legal affidavit on identity of applicant – ORIGINAL COPY
    5. Copy of national ID/passport/birth certificate

Also Note the following:

  • Names on national ID must tally with those used during the examination.
  • Applicants who have legally changed their names must attach the legal documents used to change the name.
  1. KNEC bank deposit slip is available in the following banks: (Equity, Co-operative bank of Kenya, National bank of Kenya and Kenya Commercial Bank) – Original copies required

Payment of the replacement certificate involves a non-refundable fee of shs.5800 per certificate

Note further:

  • KNEC does NOT accept cheques.
  • Deposit bank slips MUST be presented within 12 months from the date of deposit.

If you have secured all the above details and relevant documents stated above, download and fill the KNEC CERTIFICATE REPLACEMENT FORM carefully attach it to the required documents and send it to the postal address below:

Mtihani House Contacts and Location

Council secretary/Chief Executive,
Kenya National Examinations Council,
P.O Box 73598-00200,
City Square, Nairobi.

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