Teachers in Kenya are now able to comply with legal provisions of declaring their wealth for transparency purposes. The service is available to all registered teachers with active TSC numbers who can go to the website and following simple stages, complete the activity.
- Visit the commission’s website at tsc.go.ke to access the service
- On the ribbon, identify the online services drop down which gives a list of services such as T-PAY, teachers online, TPAD, Teachers email and teachers email activation. The wealth declaration forms are available first through the teacher’s online section.
- The teachersonline.tsc.go.ke page has the item you are looking for. On the tab section at the top of the page, click on the Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities.
- You will be prompted to insert your TSC number, after which you click next.
- You are then required to sign up using your correct details and set up a password.
- Using your TSC number and password, sign in to proceed to the filling in of the required details.
- Study the guidelines preceding access to the wealth declaration form
- Enter your spouse’s wealth information where applicable as well.
- Capture the details of any dependents you have in the form being keen to highlight all of them.
This is the procedure for declaring one’s wealth through the declaration of income, assets and liabilities.
Read: How to Replace lost TSC Certificates and Change Names on them 2021
Purpose of Wealth Declaration
Wealth declaration was developed as a means to work against corruption in the country especially for those in public service. This holds them openly accountable. In line with several Acts of parliament such as the Public Officer Ethics Act, wealth declaration is a process that seeks to uphold the moral fabric and ethical integrity of the society together.
There are many researchers and scholars who have commented and critiqued just how effective the process is as a means to end corruption. There are views that support its efficacy while some refute the statements saying that corruption cases still occur despite having those in office openly declare their wealth, and even that of their spouse.