Home People Phil Collins Biography, Net Worth, Personal Life, Career Journey

Phil Collins Biography, Net Worth, Personal Life, Career Journey

Phil Collins Biography, Net Worth, Personal Life, Career Journey

The world of music is primarily marked by many vocalists who have graced many stages and wowed the crowds. In the background, a lot of work goes in to make sure that everything is seamless and perfect. From transitions to moods to even the intensity of the song. While the focus is usually on the person holding the mic, the instrumentalists on the drums, guitars and even keyboards are the ones who set the pace and make sure the arrangements are pitch perfect. In this article, we will explore the life of Phil Collins who is a drummer and a member of a band called The Genesis.

Phil Collins Age and Place of Birth

Philip David Charles Collins was born in the January of 1951 in the English United Kingdom. He is currently 67 years old. 

Phil Collins Early Life, Education, and Career

Phil Collins had a fairly humble upbringing back in United Kingdom where he was born and bred. His parents had occupations that were not as noble but that pit food on the table and endured that he and his siblings were well catered for. They also ensured that aside from normal education, their children pursued their artistic and athletic capabilities so that they would live fulfilling lives. To put this in context, Phil’s sister is an ice skater and his brother is a cartoonist. These professions are not mainstream ones but they are necessary and in the Western world, well-paying ones that can generate a considerable amount of income. 

As a child, Phil was brilliant and curious. To further feed his curiosity, he got a drum as a gift and this was the beginning of his experimentation. He was fully immersed in his craft and his parents supplemented this by getting him drum sets that he could practice on. Like any by ear instrumentalist, he practiced by listening to different songs and trying to mimic what the drummers played. This was his chosen mode of learning that worked well for him till his later years. He listened to bands like The Beatles and selected drummers like Buddy Rich. Later on when he became a master at drumming, he joined The Genesis and was both a drummer and a singer.

Phil Collins Personal Life

In his lifetime, Phil has had 3 marriages and from all he got children. His children are famous for inheriting his artistic side as one is a famous actress, Lilly Collins and another is a film producer these divorces are said to have cost him a fortune but he had to deal with them. Phil has had a couple of health issues ranging from mental to physical ones. The most recent ones which have rendered him unable to play drums was his nerve problems.

Phil Collins Net Worth and Assets 

He is one of the wealthiest drummers in the world and his net worth is at an estimated $300million.

Real name Philip David Charles Collins
Age 67 years old 
Place of birth United Kingdom
Marital status Divorced
Net worth $300million


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