Home People Sydney Brooks Simpson Biography, Net Worth, Background, Personal Life

Sydney Brooks Simpson Biography, Net Worth, Background, Personal Life

Sydney Brooks Simpson would have never had her name make it to the limelight were it not for the fact that her parents were involved in a tragedy that led to one of the biggest trials in the 90s. In this article, we will explore the early life, education, and career of Sydney Simpsons.

Sydney Brooks Simpson Age and Place of Birth

Sydney was born to O. J. Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson in 1985. She is 36 years old

Sydney Brooks Simpson Early Life and Education

Sydney’s exact place of birth is quite uncertain but she has 3 siblings, two of whom are from her dad’s previous marriage and her brother whom she grew up with. Life for her as a child was quite eventful following the brutal murdering of her mother while she was only 9 years old. As if it was not enough, the trial was long drawn out and lasted for another decade as her maternal side of the family wanted to be compensated. Within that time, her relationship with her father was quite strained as she was a minor. The maternal side of the family also took custody of the two kids while the trial went on.

The trial notwithstanding, Sydney went through her education like every other child would. She was inclined to the arts and sciences which she majored in while attending university. Not much of bee life is it in the limelight however, owing to the sensitivity of what happened in the 90s. In addition, she also steers clear from social media herself.

Sydney Brooks Simpson Personal Life

While she had quite a tumultuous childhood, Sydney managed to have a sway relationship with her father. There have been divisive rumors that they were estranged in a bid to create a buzz on the internet. However, they seem to be getting along pretty well and even spending quite some time together. In addition, to further the propaganda there was a recent rumor that said Brooks’s father had relations with Kris Jenner. The rumors insinuated that one of the Kardashian sisters was siblings with Sydney. These have been refuted with clarification from O. J Simpsons.

Sydney Brooks Simpson Net worth and Assets

Sydney has a number of social enterprises which she engages in and which are also her main sources of income. She is said to own about 3 properties and a business. Her net worth is at an estimated $500000

Name Sydney Brooks Simpsons
Age 36 as of 2021
Place of birth America
Nationality American
Marital status Single


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