Home How to & Hacks Top 10 High CPC (Cost per click) Countries 2021, Country Ranks

Top 10 High CPC (Cost per click) Countries 2021, Country Ranks

Top 10 High CPC (Cost per click) Countries 2021, Country Ranks

Cost-Per-Click is offered by Google AdSense –  a program run and managed by Google whereby online content creators in the Google Network can host advertisements from Google relevant to the audience and site content. The higher the number of clicks one gets on ads posted on their website or blog the higher the amount of money they earn from the advertisers.

Clicks from some countries make more money from ads than other countries. This is because of their conversion rates being higher and in turn, make more money and engage advertisers in Business more.

10. South Africa

South Africa is one of the countries that offer some of the highest CPC rates in the world with its diverse audience and people who can be served by different businesses.

9. New Zealand

New Zealand also offers attractive CPCs for content creators who produce material relevant to society and their needs. The population in New Zealand offers good ground for converting clicks into conversions.

8. Germany

Germany also makes the list as one of the countries that pay high CPCs for ads posted on websites and YoutTube. Citizens in Germany are proactive online and their conversions result in well-paying ads.

7. Italy

Italy is among the top 10 high CPC countries in 2021 offering content creators an opportunity to reap benefits from their work online. Consumers from Italy have high conversion rates that advertisers and content creators can work together in serving and concurrently making an earning.

ReadHigh AdSense CPC Keywords in 2021, Google AdSense

6. Marshal Islands

Marshal Island is also on the list as clicks from the country have a high chance of turning into useful conversions for marketers who use ads posted on online sites.

5. Brazil

Brazilians offer a good ground for marketers as long as excellent content is produced for the readers and online engagement. Good quality content coupled with relevant ads that suit the population/audience makes websites good money.

4. Canada

Canada follows next as one of the high CPC countries in 2021. The audience from Canada has progressed significantly to the online space for various needs such as finance, education, and shopping among others making online business lucrative.

3. Australia

Australia also makes the list as a highly rewarding country in terms of CPC rates. Content creators who manage to engage the Australian population effectively can garner a lot of earnings from Google AdSense.

2. The United Arab Emirates

The UAE is a wealthy nation whose development and technological progress is very impressive. The country is the second most paying CPC nation.

1. The United States of America

America comes as the first and highest paying nation in terms of CPC rates. This is attributed to its pioneer nature in most of the online programs and spaces thus has a high acceptance rate. 

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