Home Education in Kenya A List of Best Technical Colleges in Kenya 2020/2021

A List of Best Technical Colleges in Kenya 2020/2021

A List of Best Technical Colleges in Kenya 2020/2021
IMAGE Source: BiznaKenya.com

The world is changing and so is our education system. We live in an era where employers don’t pay much attention to how far you have gone as far as your level of education is concerned but on what you can bring on the table. There are a good number of colleges that offer even better quality education and training than most local universities. Below is a list of top ten best technical colleges in Kenya 2020:

1. Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC)

This is by far the best medical college in Kenya among the best technical colleges in Kenya that are actually accredited by the Kenyan government. Most hospitals, chemists and laboratories prefer graduates from KMTC to those from local universities. This college has training centers all over Kenya.

2. Kenya Institute of Mass Communication

This institution offers the best diploma and certificate courses in Mass communication. It has a wide variety of mass communication courses such as news anchoring, video editing and journalism.

3. Kenya Institute of Management

This institution is known for offering the best training in management, consultancy and business in Kenya. It has been in operation for over 60 years and has branches all over Kenya in towns such as Kakamega, Nairobi, Nakuru, Thika and Kisumu to mention a few.

4. Institute of Advanced Technology

This is the best-known college to study technological courses such as Information Technology. As a matter of fact, KPLC trains its staff on basic IT applications here.

 READ:  Best Universities and Colleges to Study Mass Communication in Kenya

5. Kenya Utalii College

This institution is known for offering the best education and training in the Hospitality industry. It is located along Thika superhighway in Nairobi, Kenya.

6. Boma International Hospitality College

This is a private institution that offers unprecedented quality education and training in the hotel and tourism field. Education in this institution is quite pricy. It attracts students from all over the world.

7. Regional Center of Management

This institution is best known for pursuing business-related courses. The institution offers a wide variety of courses in accounting, business and management.

8. Kenya School of Professional Studies

This institution is well known for offering management and hospitality courses. It is located in Nairobi, Kenya. For any inquiries, feel free to visit their official portal.

9. Kenya School of Monetary Studies

This institution is the brainchild of the Central Bank of Kenya. It was formed with the objective of building capacity in the banking and finance industry. It mainly offers specialized training in banking, finance and economics.

10. The Kabete Polytechnic Training College

This institution was established in 1924 as the Native Industry Training Depot. Right now, it offers a wide variety of quality education and training, making it one of the best colleges in Kenya.