Home TV Soapies Citizen TV Legacy (La Herencia) Full Cast, Actors, Characters

Citizen TV Legacy (La Herencia) Full Cast, Actors, Characters

Citizen TV Legacy (La Herencia) Full Cast, Actors, Characters

Legacy (La Herencia) Citizen TV Episodes summary

Legacy, translated as La Herencia is a soap opera that premiered on Royal Media Services’ Citizen TV in May. The telenovela is a 2022 Televisa production by Juan Osorio. It is a captivating story with a well-thought-out plot.

The telenovela is based at an avocado farm called Santa Catalina where Severiano del Monte and his wife Catalina Arango live with their five adopted sons. Severiano wanted children and since Catalina could not get pregnant, they opted for adoption.

Severiano passes away and his sons’ lives change on the day of reading the will after the unexpected appearance of their sister Sara, whom they did not know existed. Sarah is the daughter of Severiano’s former lover, Deborah Portillo. She grew up believing that her father was not interested in her. However, as Severiano’s only biological child, she is willing to accept the inheritance.

Things get complicated because the will states that the siblings have to live together on the farm for a year in order to not lose their right to inheritance.

Episode one

The La Herencia telenovela starts with Sarah receiving a call from the bank reminding her to pay her debts as she may soon be foreclosed. Severiano announces that he is leaving the company and puts his son Juan in charge, leaving some of the brothers envious.

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Deborah tells Sarah to ask for help from her father and she refuses Severiano asks Modesto to take care of his children in case he is absent. At the Del Monte party, Juan formalizes his engagement to Julietta and makes it public. Severiano confronts Pedro after discovering that he had stolen from him. Pedro denies.

Simon complains to his father about his infidelities which cause his mother’s suffering. After their argument, both Simon and Severiano are involved in a road accident.

Episode two

Severiano dies after the accident and the Del Montes learn that they have a sister with whom they will share the inheritance. Sara shows up to meet the rest of the family with uncertainty. Severiano sets conditions for the delivery of his inheritance to his children. Julietta arrives at the Del Monte mansion and meets Sarah and Deborah. Juan offers Sarah a sum to renounce her inheritance but she declines, willing to fight for what is rightfully hers.

Episode three

Juan warns Julietta that they will have to put up with Sarah for a year since that is what his father wanted on the will. Pedro confronts Juan to find out his intentions with Sara, but Juan swears he has to do with her and clears the way for his brother.  Sarah visits Juan to propose working in the family business but Juan says that she has to discuss it with the other family members.

Sarah arrives at the farm’s chapel and says goodbye to her father’s ashes rebuking all the bad he had done. Julietta asks Mateo to forget about her but he refuses to do so. Simon finds Deborah in his parents’ room and gets upset when he sees his mother’s photo in the trash and decides to take out Deborah’s things. Deborah slaps him.

Episode four

Sarah defends her mother from Simon’s attacks and Juan proposes that they all live together in peace for a year as stipulated in the will. Julietta once again surprises Sarah and Juan together and asks Sarah to participate in the planning of her wedding. Beatriz finds Pablo in his office to reveal that Tadeo is their son.

Deborah asks Prospero to take her out for a walk after her argument with the Del Montes, and they end up kissing. Sara tries to avoid Pedro. Julietta tells her mother that he is suspicious of Sarah and Juan’s good relationship. The Del Monte brothers go to the town’s bar to find Mateo.

Salvador gets upset after seeing the rest of the Del Monte brothers in his bar and shoots Simon for his relationship with his daughter. Sarah presents Juan with a proposal to lower the costs in the company and hopes that it will get her a job.

Legacy (La Herencia) Citizen TV Full Cast and Real Names

Character Name Real Name
Sara Del Monte Portillo Michelle Renaud
Juan Del Monte Matias Novoa
Simon Del Monte Emmanuel Palomares
Pedro Del Monte Daniel Elbittar
Mateo Del Monte Mauricio Henao
Lucas Del Monte Juan Pablo Gil
Deborah Portillo Elizabeth Alvarez
Rosa Gutiérrez de Millán Tiare Scanda
Julieta Millán Paulina Matos
Próspero Millán Rico Julian Gil
Modesto Pérez Juan Carlos Barreto
Cornelio Pérez Diego de Erice
Adela Cruz Amaranta Ruiz
Bertha Restrepo Veronica Jaspeado
Beatriz Hernandez Gloria Aura
Paloma Pérez Mildred Feuchter
Jessica Millán Nicole Curiel
Alondra Millán Esmeralda Gomez
Brayan Cruz Christian Ramos
Brandon Cruz Andre de Regil
Dulce Pérez Farah Justiniani
Tadeo Pérez Andres Ruanova
Dante Alamillo Sergio Basanez
Salvador “Chavita” Pérez Roberto Blandon
Agustín Cruz Rafael Inclan

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